Overcoming challenges; following the call; gaining hope; finding encouragement and renewal.
Movie: Breaking Away
(20th Century-Fox; 1979) color, 100 minutes; PG-rating; genre-comedy/drama
Healing Themes:
Coming of age
Feeling good about your accomplishments
Gaining support from your family
Being the best of friends
Growing up and moving on
Fighting against all odds
Having people look down on you for who you are
Director: Peter Yates
Screenplay: Steve Tesich
Cast: Dennis Christopher (Dave); Dennis Quaid (Mike); Daniel Stern (Cyril); Jackie Earle Haley (Moocher); Barbara Barry (Mrs. Evelyn Stohler); Paul Dooley (Mr. Ray Stohler); Amy Wright (Nancy); Robyn Douglas (Katherine); Hart Bochner (Rod); John Ashton (Mike’s brother); PJ Soles (Suzy)
Synopsis: Four young friends living on the “wrong side of town” take on a challenge to compete in a yearly bike race. The local college is resistant toward the idea of letting these troublesome boys come on board. The friends truly bond as they experience unfairness, discrimination, pre judgment and prejudices. When the race is completed, the boys turn up victorious.
Viewing Suggestion: While viewing this movie, what feelings emerge as you watch this group of friends in their struggles? Observe each families communication patterns and how one of the Father’s has difficulty expressing his emotions toward his son.
Exercise: What feelings emerge when you recall your experiences as a young child or teen? Write down what it was like dealing with those feelings. Can you name a time when you felt like you bonded with a special group or another individual? Make note of a time when you felt like giving up on something because someone else suggested you couldn’t do it or were not good enough.
Availability: This movie is available for viewing by streaming from your favorite device through Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc. You can also buy this movie on sites such as Movies Unlimited.
Trivia: This movie was ranked 8th on the list of America’s 100 most Inspiring Movies compiled by the American Film Institute (AFI) in 2006. This film was shot in and around Bloomingdale, Indiana.
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